List of all individual members of CEACM
include "db_init.php";
if ( $_GET["cntry"] != "" ) {
include "zozn_members.php";
else {
include "zozn_vypis.php";
$info = $db->query("show table status");
$radek = mysql_fetch_row($info);
$last_article = $radek[12] ;
$last_article = SubStr( $last_article, 0, -3); // vynechat 3 znaky na konci (sec)
// Vypis datumu zmeny z tabulky "ceacm"
$sql = "show table status";
$info = mysql_query($sql);
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($info, MYSQL_ASSOC) ) {
if ( $row['Name'] == "ceacm" ) {
$last_update = $row['Update_time'];
// $last_article = $radek[12] ; // zmena 16.1.2007 <- PHP5 !!!
$last_update = SubStr( $last_update, 0, -3); // vynechat 3 znaky na konci (sec)
echo "
echo " "; echo 'Any changes or update send please to the webmaster'; echo "
List updated: ", $last_update;
echo "";